Does He Love Me - 3 Important Signs He Loves You

Are you in a relationship and wonder "Does he love me?" This question can drive you wild if you love this guy and could really see yourself spending the rest of your life with him. Not knowing whether or not he feels the same way about you can lead to a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights.

What should you absolutely NOT do? Do not ask him flat out if he loves you.

Why? Because guys don't think like we do and this question will scare him to death. It may also be the end of your relationship with him.

You don't need to drive yourself crazy wondering, does he love me. There are some common clues that you can look for to determine how committed he is to you without having to ask him point blank.

First, let's talk about what makes guys fall in love and it's not what you might think. Many women mistakenly think that just because they have chemistry with a guy, a lot of things in common and a crazy attraction that this equals love. But, it doesn't. He may see you as someone to have fun with but not as a long term relationship kind of woman.

A guy will fall in love with a woman that he feels is an extension of who he is. Most men adore their mothers and they tend to unconsciously look for women that have traits in common with her. A woman that has similar life goals is going to be the one he ends up being with.

So, does he love you? If he does the following things, he definitely does.

1. Does he fix things for you? 

Men are fixers but they don't want to get too involved if you are just a casual thing for him. It's a great sign if he is always fixing things for you. If he is crazy about you, he won't be able to stand seeing you frustrated or unhappy.

2. Does he use "we" when talking about the future. 

If he is committed to you, he will use the word "we" frequently with regards to future plans or possibilities. For example: "Maybe we will have a son like that one day."

3. Has he introduced you to his family yet? 

If so, that is huge sign that he loves you. There is a lot of pressure involved with taking a woman to meet his family and he will not do that unless he loves you.

These are three signs that he loves you. A guy in a casual relationship will not bother to fix things for you, use the word "we" when making plan and he certainly won't introduce you to his family. These are all signs of a guy who is committed and in love with you.

If he isn't doing these things, don't worry. Maybe it is just too soon in the relationship or maybe you are pushing too hard. Do not panic and try to make him feel close to you. The more desperate you are, the worse you will make the situation. Guys can sense these feelings and will pull away from you.

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5 Things You Need To Know About Your Man

One of the keys to a healthy relationship is have a good understanding of each other. That's why we gathered together a few things about your man that you might not be aware of - and tell you how you can respond to them.

1. Men Have Feelings Too!
It might be hard to believe, but in many ways, men are more emotionally affected by things than women are. The thing is, unlike women, men are trained from an early age not to let their feelings show. That makes men like the ocean on a calm day; motionless on the surface, but crazy currents swirling underneath.
As a woman, it's up to you to encourage your man to let his feelings show - at least when he's with you. Let him know you think it's much braver to show them than to hide them. If you can inspire him to talk more about how he feels, you can help him learn to let go of the stress and tension that he's keeping bottled up, which can not only help his attitude, but even improve his health.

2. Sex Means More Than You Think
Despite the stereotypes we see on TV, most men really do long to have a solid partnership with their girlfriend or wife. Sex matters to them because it is a literal demonstration of the bond that you have. So when he's pestering you for a little action, remember that it really does mean more than "just sex" to him; for him, it proves that your relationship is solid.

3. Men Are Searching For Commitment
We often hear that men "can't be faithful", and they certainly seem to value their independence; but they also prize faithfulness and loyalty. When you pledge yourself to your man, you're filling a fundamental need for him. When he knows that you're committed to be there for him, he will let you know it's appreciated. It might not be with flowers or jewelry, but he'll make sure that you know how he feels.

4. Men Want Communication
Most men like to talk; just ask them how their favorite sports team is doing!
They may want to talk about their thoughts, plans and fears - but they aren't sure what kind of response it might get. So they keep quiet on their deepest thoughts, because they fear the chance of rejection. It's up to you to share your feelings with your man; ask him questions and be nonjudgmental about the answers. This is the way to encourage more openness from him, and that's a good thing.

5. Your Looks Don't Matter As Much To Him As You Think They Do
Of course, looks attract a man, and men like to look at women - no one's going to deny it. But when it comes to their relationship and the woman they want to settle down with, looks aren't the most important thing. Men want a woman who is smart, who has a witty sense of humor and a heart full of compassion.

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5 Important Questions To Ask Before Getting Married!

Getting married is exciting, but it's also a huge decision that shouldn't be taken lightly.
If you're eager to walk down the aisle, but unsure whether you've found the right person to do it with, ask yourself the following five questions before you agree to say "I do".

1. What Does "Commitment" Mean to You?
Before you get married, it's important that you discuss commitment with your partner. Make sure that it means the same thing for both of you.
If the two of you have different ideas of what a committed relationship entails, there is bound to be trouble on the horizon in your future marriage. What one person finds important may be inconsequential to the other and this can lead to frustration and hostility.
It is strongly advised that you talk it over with your prospective spouse, and make sure that you both have the same ideas regarding relationships and faithfulness. You might be disappointed by what you find out - but better now than after the wedding.

2. What Are Your Financial Habits?
Money is one of the top reasons for fights, arguments and acrimony in marriages and other relationships.
If saving is important to you, but he loves to spend, it can create a lot of hard feelings.
Make sure you understand each other's money habits and try to find a way that you can meet in the middle. A financial adviser may be able to help you come up with a way to share expenses that is fair to both of you and helps you avoid the power struggles.

3. How Close Will You Be With Family and Friends?
He may want to spend all his time with you, but you might love having your Friday night out with the girls. Or maybe he finds it important to always have Sunday lunch at Mom's house, while you'd prefer to spend Sundays just the two of you at home or at the park.
These are things that you need to know before you tie the knot. They are the kinds of differences in opinion that can have quite a negative impact on your marital bliss.
You should also talk about the importance of holidays with the family and how often you'll need to visit the parents.
You may also want to discuss any family members with mental illness or addiction problems, as these things sometimes have a way of interfering in your life.

4. How Do You Both Handle Stress?
How you deal with your own stress and anger is one thing you need to be aware of. But how will you react when it's your partner who is stressed out or angry?
The strongest relationships are built by couples who are able to support their partner through difficult times and empathize with their partner's anger.
If you and your partner have a habit of feeding off each other's stress, creating situations that are progressively more explosive, you need to work on your problem solving skills before you move in together. If not, the odds are your marriage won't last.

5. How Do You Express Your Love?
We all have a need to know that we are loved. But each of us has different ways of showing our love to others.
He might feel like working hard and supporting his family makes it obvious that he loves you. Meanwhile, you may be feeling neglected because he never stops to give you a hug.
It's vital to your relationship that you share those feelings. You should never feel that you're being needy; the need for expressed love is universal.
When you're both on the same page about showing and expressing your love, and both are ready to accept that love, you'll know you're ready for marriage.

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Be a Man Magnet and Get All The Men You Want!

Most women would like to be a man magnet so they can attract the man of their dreams. Some women through their strength and confidence can easily attract any man they want. Other women find attracting men more difficult.
There are many ways you can use to attract men. To be successful in attracting the man you want you need to utilize a few techniques. You cannot keep doing the same things you are doing now or you will get the same results you are getting now. You need to make some changes and you will be happy and win his heart too.
The following techniques will help you to become a man magnet and show you how to get the man you want.
  • You have heard the term "curiosity killed the cat." Well, men love a mystery. When you first meet, and even in the beginning stages, never give out a lot of information about yourself. Men find this challenging not knowing much about you. It makes them want to know more. He will start pursuing you to find out more.
  • Trying to impress a guy is a turn off for most men. Women who attract men easily are women who are not trying to impress a man, but simply trying to please themselves.
  • Being too aggressive and flirting could also be a turn off for guys. Concentrate on being yourself and not trying to please a man. Women who are not pretentious and are natural are the women who attract the most men.
  • When you go out with other women, try to limit the number of women you are with. It is hard for a man to approach a woman with a crowd of women around her. Men like approachable women. Be accessible even with your friends. You can show accessibility by having a friendly and warm smile and looking your best. Carry yourself well so a guy feels he can approach you
  • Attitude and character are great attributes but physical appearance does a lot to influence men. You don't need to be a beauty queen but you must look good and present yourself well. Dress to impress by wearing the appropriate outfit and look decent and fresh. These qualities get the attention of men.
  • Compliments go a long way with men. Even if you just compliment a guy on his shirt or great smile will boost his confidence. This is a neat way to start a conversation and put the men at ease with you.
  • To be a man magnet you need to concentrate on giving attention to several men. If you don't, they will assume you are already taken and won't pursue you any more. If they get your attention equally they will be motivated to hang around with you.

Becoming a man magnet can be easy if you are willing to use some of the above tips.
There are many other ways to attract men. Be yourself and apply some of the tips, and you will succeed in attracting the guy you want.

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5 Easy Ways To Stay Close In A Long Distance Relationship

Thankfully the internet has made it easier than ever to stay connected with your other half. Those miles apart will seem closer if you use the following tools to communicate.
You'll notice that some of the suggestions are rather obvious, however, I want you to re-think how you use them. Without further adieu here are some ways to get closer to your partner:
Text message 
Probably one of the easiest and most convenient ways to get in touch with your other half. Texting is common and there are a lot of programs you can use. If you're using a smart phone you can try using What's App. This app allows you to text for free to any type of smart phone that has the same app installed. It comes with a download fee but you'll save that money many times over when using regular text messaging. It needs a smart phone internet data but barely uses up your allowance.
Another easy way to bridge the distance. Instead of regular email messages try sending a joke or include some pictures to liven things up. Email is better than web chatting or texting because you can add a lot of things to make messages come alive. Why not try sending a funny YouTube clip you found or even a website to plan your next vacation together?
Video Chat 
You can use services like Skype to video chat for free. Just make sure you have a good webcam and mic (if you're using a laptop they typically come installed). Video chat is an excellent way to catch up and actually see how your other half is doing. Other places like Google+ hangouts are great as well because you can have a video chat while watching YouTube clips together!
Phone Call 
 The traditional approach is a phone call. Dial them up to say hi and catch up. If you get a voicemail answer leave a nice sweet message.
Traditional Mail 
Not many people use traditional mail anymore which is why I am recommending it. Nothing is more personal than a traditional letter written from your significant other. Make it handwritten, draw some pictures, include some funny magazine clippings and even place some of your fragrance on to it. I am sure their faces will light up when they receive it.
Just remember to not smother the other person. Give them some room but make them feel wanted. There is no secret formula for how much and often this should happen but you two should talk about it.

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Should I Tell Him That I Like Him?

You really like this guy but he seems clueless on how you feel. He just doesn't get it... and you are getting frustrated and a little anxious incase some other girl comes along and grabs his attention. What should you do with what you feel for him? Should you tell him that you like him?
1. Is there any chemistry between the two of you? 

Yes you like him but does he like you back? If his body language tells you that he likes you then you can take a risk and tell him that you like him but be sure that he really does like you. Sometimes you can imagine chemistry from him when you like a man a lot so observe him carefully before you decide if he really does like you. If possible get verification from mutual friends and acquaintances.
2. Show him obviously that you like him. 

You can tell him you like him by flirting with him and letting him see your feminine attractive side. Smile at him while looking directly at him... and then look away but keep stealing obvious glances at him... and smiling like you know something he doesn't. You want to use body language to tell him that you like him.
3. If he is already a friend. 

It easy to talk to a friend and since you already have a relationship you can use that friendship to find out how he feels about you. You can ask him directly or indirectly depending on how you see the conversation going. The problem with telling a friend that you like him is that if he doesn't feel the same way then it will feel awkward between the two of you for a while... especially when he gets a girlfriend. So observe him carefully before you say anything.
4. If you hardly know him. 

This type of guy is harder to tell that you like him since you don't know enough about him to know how to proceed. You will thus need to find out ways to start a conversation with him. You of course do not want to tell him that you like him at the beginning as that may spook him. But as you talk and he begins to reveal personal details about himself... and you reveal things about yourself then you can find a way to find out his heart about you. You want to develop an interest in the man before you pour out your heart to him by telling him that you like him.

Telling a guy that you like him can work to your advantage if you do it appropriately.

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Please Be Nice to Me - 6 Relationship Tips

So here are six ways to be nice to your partner. It won't necessarily salvage a marriage in its death throes, but it will go a long way to nurture, heal, or repair a relationship that still has a chance.
- Good manners
 "please" and "thank you" are just as necessary between adults as between children and adults; and good manners don't become irrelevant just because the relationship is an intimate or long-standing one. Courtesy demonstrates consideration and is a lubricant for all interpersonal interactions. The absence of good manners is often a statement of its own about a lack of caring for the other person.
- Spontaneous simple affection
 a touch on the back, a soft stroke of the hair, a hand resting on an arm, hand-holding when walking together, a kiss on the forehead when passing by. These simple gestures carry a powerful message of caring and connection. This is not to be confused with sexual overtures, which are a whole different category from being nice. When sexual overtures are the only gestures of affection, partners often reject them out of hand. Partners generally need to be treated nicely and with affection before they can be responsive sexually.
- Thoughtful gestures
 "can I get you anything while I'm up?'; "I made you a cup of tea" (especially when brought to the recipient in another room or part of the house); bringing something favored home from the grocery store ("Look, they had those apples you like so much!"). "Thoughtful" carries the clear implication that one partner was thinking, with kindness, of the other.
- Noticing and addressing emotional states - directing your attention to your partner with the intention of assessing how s/he is feeling, and then expressing what you've observed - "You look tired, honey," or "You seem really excited about this project." Noticing carries the message that one partner is significant to the other. This one leads us directly to the next tip à
- Inquiry - either to make an assessment or to pursue one, ask your partner questions. "So, tell me about this new project." Or "How are you doing with this new work schedule?" Receiving an inquiry from someone who matters to you is experienced as very positive. An inquiry carries the implicit message that you were not only noticed but also cared about.
- Being considerate
be as considerate of this person whom you've known intimately and at length as you would be of a relative stranger or a guest. Don't bang around late at night when your partner/guest is trying to sleep; make sure there's milk for the morning coffee; don't hog the remote control; don't interrupt when someone else is talking; etc.
Now, some general reminders and guidance -- these tips apply equally to male and female partners. In our culture we often think of these demonstrations of niceness as being particularly suitable to be received by women. Recent research has clearly demonstrated that men who are the recipients of these kind and thoughtful gestures from their partners are happier in their relationships.

Similarly, we think of women typically as being the nurturers in a relationship, but they also need to be the recipients of thoughtful gestures. Niceness needs to happen and to go both ways.

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Want to Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back? Then Do This!

Do you think about your ex boyfriend a lot ever since you broke up? Do you wonder what he's up to, who he's with and how to get him back? A lot of women ask these questions after a breakup. The good news is: if you want to win your ex boyfriend back, it is completely possible.
Now, if you want to win your ex boyfriend back as soon as possible, you have to approach things in a unique way. As much as you may want him back in your arms now, acting nervous and anxious about the whole thing will not help you out - remember that. In fact, it will ultimately lead to your failure. This mostly happens because of the value that you rid yourself of during this time. Since you try so hard to get your ex back, your desperation shows and the distance between the two of you ends up growing with it every day.
The fact is that running after your ex boyfriend, calling him constantly, sending him text messages every ten minutes, and being there whenever he wants something will not help you win him back. Think about it. If your value has gone down and it has become obvious to you that it has, your ex has probably noticed it, too - and who would want to be with someone with hardly any value left to their name? So, if you want to win your ex boyfriend back and ensure that he still finds you valuable, you have to stop doing these kinds of things from now on.
What you have to do instead is approach the relationship with a secure and calm mindset. This will create a magnetic attraction from your ex and raise your value in his eyes. Plus, you won't be seen as needy and weak anymore, and your loved ones will still respect you despite the desire to get back together with your ex.
Of course, it would be ideal if you can play up the confidence card at the same time because confidence is always appealing in a person and your ex is sure to notice this, as well. Overall, as long as your mindset is clear and you have heeded the advice in this article to a tee, you will no longer have to want to win your ex boyfriend back - because he will finally be in your arms again.

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6 Signs Your Boyfriend May Be Cheating On You

If you are wondering if your boyfriend is cheating on you be on the lookout for certain telltale signs he might display. If you see any of these signs be more attentive to his behavior but be careful about accusing him before you have actual proof. If you are wrong, this alone could ruin your relationship.
Below are 6 things you can be watching out for if you have any suspicions. Of course there are more clues to watch out for but these can get you started.
1. Do you already have a feeling your boyfriend is up to something? Normally you should pay attention to your gut feelings. If you ignore them you may be missing out on the truth of the matter. You better than anyone should know your boyfriends habits and when they change you know something is not right.
2. Does he pay more attention to your needs now? If so he may be feeling guilty that he is cheating on you when he is in the beginning stages of an affair. As the cheating continues this extra attention will start to diminish.
3. Also if he starts buying you lots of gifts he could be feeling guilty about cheating on you. The theory is buying you gifts is supposed to make him feel better for what he has done. From your standpoint it will be obvious he is up to something if he never gave you gifts this way in the past.
4. If he is in a long term relationship he will do his best to make both relationships work. It will be difficult and something will go wrong eventually. If he has problems in the other relationship it will show when he is around you. Watch for out of the ordinary mood changes when he is with you, this could be a sign he is having trouble with the other girl.
5. If you get in a fight does he always talk about ending your relationship? He may make threats of leaving you knowing he has another girl to fall back on. Be cautious if you have to deal with this attitude especially if he says it often.
6. Has your communication broken down? He may have become impersonal with you or even avoids talking to you altogether if possible. He may even become inconsiderate of your feelings. While communication is very important in successful relationships, he may seem to have no interest in improving things.

How to Get Him to Express How He Feels

Men communicate differently from women. We learned that ages ago, right? This does not mean though that they are completely incapable of expressing their emotions or feelings. If you are with a man who seems to be emotionally distant, it's perfectly normal to feel insecure. You are probably thinking that he is not opening up to you because he doesn't care enough about you. Well, not necessarily. It's just that some men are having a hard time showing emotions. Try to find out what's keeping your man from having emotional discussions with you.
If possible, avoid all the drama and don't drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what he's thinking. Men are somewhat hard to read as they don't really paint the picture well. If you keep pressuring him, that's the start of drama, tears and pleas and you know how much men hate dealing with this kind of stuff. This will only give your man a reason to withdraw from you. The first thing that you have to accomplish is for you and your partner to communicate and by that I don't mean simply talking the way you do each day.

When it comes to healthy relationships, talking means saying what you mean but without hurting your partner's feelings. Don't play mind games with your man because this can add to the frustration you are going through. If you want something, all you have to do is to tell him directly. Don't beat around the bush. Don't tell him nothing is wrong when there's a lot of doubt inside your head. Communicating effectively also involves listening. When you listen to your partner, make sure you pay attention with sympathy. Look him in the eye when you speak to each other.
One of the most effective ways on how to get him to express how he feels is by making him feel safe and comfortable. Men won't open the gate unless they know for sure that they can trust you. If there's one thing that they try to avoid, that is to look vulnerable in front of a woman especially if you have been only seeing each other for a couple of weeks or months. Your man may need to establish trust and emotional connection first before he lets you see a different side of him. Make him see that you are someone he can trust and you are not going to be judgmental once he starts to share his feelings with you. Once a man feels safe with you and you've established that bond, he is going to tell you everything that he's been keeping inside.
Men don't like dealing with drama so if possible, keep it at a bare minimum. Don't give meaning to everything he does or doesn't do. Put away unnecessary emotional intensity and hidden tension. These things will push him to shut down. If you want your boyfriend or husband to feel comfortable, show him that you are in touch with your feelings and you can express them in a clear way. In other words, lead by example.

 Show him how it's done and with a little patience and encouragement, you can coax your man into freely expressing his feelings more often.

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Catching Your Partner Cheating

If you feel that your partner is cheating, sometimes coming right out and asking your partner if they are being unfaithful doesn't always work out best because it could result in one of two things, him/her lying about it or him/her getting angry that you would even think they would do something like that to you. So, if you want to find out if your partner is cheating, here are some tips that can help.
Look for signs.
When someone is cheating or lying in anyway, they start to act different because they either feel guilty or they feel nervous about being caught. You know your partner better than anyone else does, so you'll know if your partner is acting strange. Pay attention to his/her actions and moods.
Looking through his/her belongings.
Not everyone is comfortable with doing this.. It's an invasion of privacy so you may end up feeling guilt or shame after doing this. But if you want proof that your partner is cheating before you talk about it, there may not be any other way to get the proof you need.
Phone/phone bills.
If someone has something to hide, they will most likely do whatever they can to try and keep it hidden. If your partner is cheating, his/her phone most likely won't be lying around the house at any given time. You may have to take a look at the phone bill, if this is your spouse that should be easy to do but if this is your boyfriend or girlfriend and you don't really live together, you may have to try to get their phone itself.
On the phone bill, you should only be alarmed when there are very long talks with numbers that you aren't familiar with.
Computer and Internet.
There are many different ways a person can cheat nowadays.. There's texting, emailing and Facebook. If you know the passwords to your partner's Facebook and email accounts, than you can easily see who he/she have been talking to. Be sure you check deleted folders too.
This may not always work because it's very easy to make a new account just to talk to someone they shouldn't be talking to and keep it hidden from you. There could be files saved on your partner's computer that can give it away as well such as pictures that were sent.
Pants pockets/purse.
You can found out a lot of information just by what someone has in their pockets or their purse. Movie ticket stubs or change even though they say they were just sitting at the office where they couldn't have bought anything.
There are many different ways you can catch your partner in the act, it's all about using your intuition. Be careful though, you don't want to get caught trying to catch your partner. Your partner can just use that as a way to leave the house and see someone else because they are "angry that you don't trust them" so try to keep to keep it hidden.
Follow your partner.
If your partner says that it's just going to be another long night at work or just another night with friends, try to follow your partner and see where it is they are really going and who they are really with. Of course, try to stay hidden so your partner doesn't see that you are trying to spy on them.
If you do find that your partner is cheating, try to stay calm and preserve anything that may be left in your relationship. Bring the information your found to your partner and try to calmly talk about it. You never know, your partner may still try to deny the fact that they are cheating even though you found proof that they are.
Of course you're expecting your partner to immediately apologize but that may not happen. Your partner may decide to be angry with you about looking through their belongings as a way to make it seem like you did something wrong too.
It's important to try and stay as strong as you possibly can through this. Decide on whether or not it's something you can forgive your partner for or if you could ever learn to trust him/her again. Take time to think it over, don't make a rash decision in the heat of the moment. If your partner loves you, they'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust.

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